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Improving the login system

· 2 min read
Martijn Smit

After getting requests to support different social network platforms besides Facebook (plus the fact that Facebook suddenly broke our client login system), we’ve been revamping the login system to support multiple platforms: Facebook, Google, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

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Enter WhatPulse 2.8.4b1

For this, the client needed to be changed, which is now in beta. WhatPulse 2.8.4 beta 1 is currently on the updater feed (enable “Include beta versions updates”) which makes use of the new system. We’ll walk you through the process below:

Logging into the client

Starting 2.8.4b1, whenever you want to log into the client you will get redirected to to do the actual login (the client will open a browser). You can still choose between using an existing account or register a new one.

Login options

If you’re already logged into the website you will get redirected to the page where you can authorize your client right away. But if you need to log in or create an account, you’ll see the login prompt. As you can see to the left, you can choose between the native WhatPulse login or the 4 available social network login.

Authorize your client

When logged in, you will get the option to authorize your client by using an existing computer name or create a new computer name.

**Left**: a dropdown of all your existing computer names. **Right**: input a new computer name.*Left: a dropdown of all your existing computer names. Right: input a new computer name.*

Other stuff in 2.8.4b1

The new login system isn’t the only thing changed in 2.8.4b1, it will also recognise the newer Apple computers (type & year) and it has updated support for OpenSSL v1.1 (which Linux users will appreciate). The next beta version will also include support for MacOS Mojave (10.14).

We appreciate your feedback, let us know in the forums what you think about the new login system!