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WhatPulse 3.1 released

· 2 min read
Martijn Smit

After taking a few weeks of feedback on the recent 3.0 launch, I’ve just made version 3.1 available! This is a maintenance release, so a lot of fixes. Here’s the summary:

Fixed ‘Network access is disabled’ message

When a network change occurred on your computer (connected to a VPN, changed wifi networks, etc.), the client would no longer communicate with the website, giving you that error. This was a Qt problem, and the Qt version was upgraded in 3.1 to solve this.

Activity Tracking Made Easy with WhatPulse Statistics

Windows: Opening the window on start-up (or freezing up)

After upgrading to 3.0, the client had two start-up items on Windows, making it start twice. The second time you start WhatPulse, it opens up the client window, instead of launching a duplicate client. That’s why you might’ve seen the client window opening up, even if you disabled that option.

If the timing was right, this could also cause the client to freeze up, and take 100% CPU, needing to be forcefully killed. This should also be fixed with 3.1.

Windows: Icon Scaling

While the interface itself looked great, the icons used in the menus didn’t look too good (horrible) when you had scaling set to something higher than 120%. This has now been fixed, and the client should now be fully compatible with both high resolution screens and scaling.

Minor things

There are also other minor changes in 3.1, check out the release notes for the full list.